Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain
1 Timothy 6:6
Godliness with contentment is great gain.
A God-centered life grows, not through the pursuit of a process, but through the presence of Jesus Christ, who is the mystery of godliness (1 Timothy 3:16). His presence in your life is your hope of becoming the person God calls you to be. Christ in you [is] the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
Contentment does not come by adding what you have, but instead through surrendering of your desires to Jesus. It is finding joy in what God has given to you. The opposite of contentment is greed which destroys your capacity to enjoy what God has given you.
Twice in this chapter the apostle says that contentment is true wealth. Paul is warning the false teachers who were advocating that godliness as a means of gain. The same twisted and distorted view of Christianity that we hold today -- especially on religious television -- which says that, when you become a Christian, God works at making you wealthy, and if you are not rich as a Christian there is something wrong with your faith.
The problem of this age is that we are a rootless and restless people. We are not grounded in any way and we are always looking for some anesthetic to deaden the pain of an empty life. We are chasing after the wind as king Solomon would say. The problem is that whatever wee are chasing becomes elusive.
Paul makes it clear in Philippians 4:11 that: "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content,". He further reveals the secret to this: "I can do all things through him who strengthens me," (Philippians 4:13 RSV). So whether in need or in plenty with Christ on our side , it shall be well.
If we spent time being grateful for what God has given us, we will cut down the diseases in our lives to almost zero!!!! The problem with humanity is that we always want more even when we know we do not need it. We end up stressing, craving, longing and fighting to get that which we do not need so that we can impress people that we do not care about. Only God can give us the spirit of contentment
My prayer is that you may bring your desires down to the level of your possessions. Learn to enjoy what God has given more than you grieve what He has taken away. Practice the art of godly contentment and you will find that it is great gain - it will give you peace of mind, joy, thankfulness, good sleep, satisfaction, good relationships and much more.