God Who Changes Not
Numbers 23:19
God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change his mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?
It has been said that politicians get shocked when we believe what they say because they don't believe it. That business people often use false measures to maximize on their profits. That when someone says 'Praise God I am saved' and they want to do business with you, you better run. That preachers avoid speaking the truth so they can grow their membership. That supervisors seek for sexual favors to give good grades. And the list goes on and on………
This shows the sad reality of the human nature: politicians , businessmen, educationists, Christians, spouses, parents, children and all cannot be trusted. We are fallible: we cheat, we collude, we twist facts, we blackmail, we forget, we change our minds.
Numbers 23:19 reminds us of who God is in relation to humankind. The passage is about an exchange between Balaam and Balak. Balaam is a seer of God that the Moabite king (Balak) hired to curse the Israelites. Due to greed Balaam accepted to curse the Israelites even when God had severally refused him to do so. God did not take this disobedience lying down, instead He intervened and Balaam had no choice but to obey Him. This verse is one of the oracles issued by Balaam that God directed him to give to Balak.
Unlike man, God is different. We are fallible, but He is not. He doesn’t lie, so all His promises and covenants are sure; He doesn’t change, so His character remains the same. He fulfills what He promises so nobody can manipulate Him or control Him. No sorcery could succeed against God’s people because God was at work in them and through them. He reigns as king amidst His people today just as He did with the Israelites. Praise His name.
This same God has promised to bless you; therefore, when trials and problems arise, God strengthens you and brings victory your way. You can count on Him and His promises. "Has He ever spoken and failed to act?" NO! "Has he ever promised and not carried it through?" NO! He is God who changes not . Praise His Holy name
Will you have this Lord as your friend today?