Six Ways To Deal With Fear Of Missing Out
Have you ever felt the fear of being left out? I have. It is one of the most terrible experiences especially in childhood and adolescence where the need to belong is usually very important. Being excluded becomes SUCH A BIG deal. It may take the form of someone doing or saying something that makes you feel less wanted or unaccepted in a group. At that instance it seems like everyone is doing well except you. You feel devastated and wonder whether you really measure up to their standards.
The exclusion is more severe on social media. When people post their achievements and they receive accolades of likes and you seem to have nothing to show for yourself. Even when you finally do post something, nobody seems to acknowledge or even like your content.
How do you handle the situation?
Be realistic: Accept that you will not always be included in every event and be okay with that. Even you, do not include everyone in your events. Sometimes the exclusion may not even be intentional.
Be proactive: If you really want to hang out with those friends, ask them if they can hang out with you next time, or take the initiative to be the one to make the plans
Put time into perspective: A few years down the line you may not remember the exclusion.
Find new friends: If you feel your friends are intentionally excluding you, maybe they are sending you a message that they no longer wish to associate with you. It can be a painful reality but you can take the cue, cut your losses and cultivate new and accepting relationships. This may be an opening to greater personal growth.
Have an attitude of gratitude: A strong antidote for fear of missing out is gratitude. Take time to appreciate what you have and how you can enjoy it. Don’t get so caught up in your friends’ exciting new things and forget about the awesome ones in your life. Learn to count your blessings
Get support: If it becomes too heavy for you to handle alone, seek help from a trusted adult- a friend, parent, teacher, counselor, spiritual leader
“Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace” - Dalai Lama.